Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Long time no post. An update

Wooooo doggy, its been awhile! So here is what has been going on. During my last post I introduced my new goats. I actually got Poppy and Zooeys names swapped. Zooey is the black one. We cancelled our internet service so updating is done via cellphone and is a bit of a pain, hence the lack of updates. In November we receives our small order of 10 khaki campbell ducks. We have lost 3 . The seven remaining ducks are doing great. This month we added two nigerian does to the herd. Lucy is currently in the buck pen being bred, and Ethel is in the doe pen. She will be bred in the spring. With all the new critters, and the old ones, life has become insanely busy around here. I've been bouncing around farm names in my head but havent committed to anything. Im leaning toward Brittlebush Acres Microfarm. Brittlesbush is a plant that.geows prolifically out here,its everywhere. Oh yeah, decided to plant peanuts and sunchokes as our main crops. We can eat them,sell them, and feed them to our livestock. They both have no trouble growing in our crappy,sandy soil so very little amendment will need to be done.
Thats about it. Ta ta for now
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